The most common are regular (or plain), italic, bold, and bold italic. Style Almost every font has a range of font styles.A point is approximately 1/72 of an inch (about 0.04 centimeters). (Sometimes you can set additional sizes beyond those listed.) The font size is measured in points, from the top of the ascenders to the bottom of the descenders. Size Almost every font has a range of sizes you can select from.You can vary the look of a font by changing the following attributes: The available fonts vary from one computer to another, depending on the apps installed. By default, the font used for text in a new blank document is 11-point Calibri, but you can change the font of any element at any time.

When you enter text in a document, it is displayed in a specific font.

The appearance of your document helps to convey not only the document’s message but also information about the document’s creator-you.